Business and personal correspondence, research materials, and miscellaneous items. The materials relate to Lundwall's research, writing, finances, and personal life. "The Nels B. Lundwall Collection is divided into two parts: a manuscript section and a microfilm section. The microfilm section contains the bulk of the collection, consisting of five reels of filmed materials which Lundwall collected over a period of many years, up to the early 1960's. These materials were filmed before he sold the collection. They include Lundwall's personal correspondence, including letters from Melvin J. Ballard, Joseph Fielding Smith, John A. Widtsoe, and other prominent men of the LDS Church; discourses and articles about the LDS Church, politics, and other subjects; unpublished primary and secondary accounts of experiences related to LDS history and theology; blessings; poetry (non-original); and personal memorabilia. The order of the materials on the film is mostly random. To aid in the use of these films, a detailed table of contents, subject index, and an extensive name index is provided in the register. The manuscript portion of the collection is made up of material similar in nature to that which is on the films. In addition, it includes the original manuscript of two of Lundwall's unpublished books, "Conspiracies of Men and Devils in the Last Days," and "Higher Spiritual Truths," as well as the manuscript of hisFaith Like the Ancients, Vol. 2, which was published posthumously. Also included are letters from Nelson J. Lundwall, N.B. Lundwall's son, while on a mission to Germany in 1930-33."